Sunday, August 3, 2008


I'm pleased to announce a new Links section, featuring "The Tomov Album", a photo group on Flickr.  This is a place to share and comment on photos of George and the Troupe. So far Maury is the only contributor; leave a comment here if you'd like an invitation to the group so that you can post your own photos.

If there's another link you think belongs here, again, leave a comment below.

Forgive the lurching start to this blog -- I'm learning as fast as I can.  Anyone who knows George will appreciate the irony that he is the catalyst for the acquisition of technical skills.  But George taught us all a lot.

What did you learn from or because of George, beyond dances?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We lost George this evening (Tuesday Aug 5) at around 6:40 PM.